東京藝術大学 大学院 音楽音響創造


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その誤解は大学に入って、ワールド・ミュージックという授業を受けてから晴れた。黒人霊歌はアメリカで18Cに出来たもので、ゴスペルがゴスペルという名で呼ばれるようになったのはそれからずっと先のことなんだと理解した。ブルースやジャズの中のリズム・パター ンもアフリカンたちの歌、または黒人霊歌と言われる音楽から派生して来て出来たというこ とも知った。私が教会で歌っていたいわゆるゴスペルはリズムやメロディーで切り分けられ るような音楽ではなかった。リズムや和声がブルースであっても、8ビートのバラッドでもクラシックの弦楽器編成で奏でられてもそれはゴスペルというカテゴリーの中の音楽だった。その後、ますます黒人霊歌やゴスペルについての研究に興味を持った。そして「声」という素材を用いた音楽としての黒人霊歌もとても興味深いと思い、この研究を進めるようになった。

Negro spiritual – the song of black slaves who were forcefully transported from Africa – is a deeply religious music which expresses the hope of those people to escape from pain and suffering. There is no question that these songs have exerted a great influence on contemporary music. The style it has most influenced is gospel music, its most similar contemporary counterpart in terms of both role and sound. The two styles are similar enough to often be confused with each other. The reason for this is largely that gospel music attempts to introduce the Negro Spiritual to present society via Western style musical arrangement, and appeal to the strong religious faith of African Americans by using the Negro Spiritual style, as well as emphasize the creative ability of black people. However gospel was able to wholly transform the negro spiritual into the form of a hymn, thus overcoming the antipathy that many black people later felt towards the negro spiritual as a result of its associations with slavery. Through this transformation, white Americans also came to recognize the musical ability of African Americans, and black people were able to take a leading role in metropolitan music culture. From the 1920s, black gospel enjoyed a boom, and the black sound drew a large response worldwide. From the 1950s to the 1960s, gospel also became associated with the Civil Rights movement and came to have a large influence on American society both socially and culturally.