東京藝術大学 大学院 音楽音響創造


リトル 太郎 ピーター






Taro Peter LITTLE
The Changes of The Relativity Between Graphic Notation and Art.

It is well-known that the invention of the graphic scores by Morton Feldman and the New York School composers was influenced by the coeval art movement, Abstract Expressionism. That influence is apparent not only on their visuals but manifestly in their mode of thought; “All-over” and “Formalism” for example.

Due to the ease of notation of variables which were difficult to express in ordinary scores, the use of graphic scores spread quickly following the invention. Widespread graphic notation was used to notate the music of indeterminacy, improvisations and to write the scores for Fluxus events and Happening/Performance art.

With reference to the Fluxus movement, Happenings/Performance and Intermedia art, another New York School composer, John Cage, played a tremendous role in their realization through his teaching at Black Mountain College (especially with“Theater Piece No.1″, a notable first experience of an Inter-media event held in the summer of 1952) and The New School for Social Research.

Cage’s thoughts and the idea of musical notation using graphics flowed to the cited art movements through his talented students: Robert Rauschenberg, Allan Kaprow, Dick Higgins, et al. and also to Europe as a method of writing the music of indeterminacy at around the same time.

Currently graphic notations are used even more widely than they were: to express, to collaborate and to interact.

As described previously, this thesis represents the interaction between the movement of art and graphic notation as well as what is and what will be happening.

Graphic scores in this thesis mainly refer to John Cage’s “Notations”: a collection of contemporary works and musical manuscripts published in 1969, and to another collection of current graphic scores greatly-influenced by Cage’s earlier literature: “Notations 21”, edited by Theresa Sauer.