東京藝術大学 大学院 音楽音響創造


山田 哲広
録音物に対する演奏家の意識 —残響感と距離感に関する考察—

無伴奏ヴァイオリンの録音物を聴いた際、聴取者はどのような距離感,残響感を好むのだろうか。本研究では, ヴァイオリンを専門とする者, ヴァイオリン以外の楽器を専門とする者,録音技師の3グループに被験者を分類し,音量と残響量を変数とした調整法による主観評価実験を行った。そしてそのグループ間で評価に違いがあるか否かを分析した。その結果,音量に関しては3つのグループ間,残響量に関しては録音技師のグループと他のグループ間で有意差が見られた。


YAMADA Akihiro
Awareness of Recorded Music by Performers of a Musical Instrument —On Reverberation and Distance Impressions—

What are the listener impressions on reverberation and distance on recorded music materials of unaccompanied violin? In this research, three groups of violin players, instrument players other than violin, and recording engineers were asked to participate in a subjective evaluation experiment. The experiment was done using Method of Adjustment on subjective loudness and reverberation amount as two parameters. Collected data were analyzed to show there were significant differences between the three groups on subjective loudness and significant differences between the recording engineers and the other two groups on reverberation amount.

Interview was also done for each subject to ask on the points that he or she is satisfied, points that is not satisfied, differences between live sounds and recorded sounds, and the ideal recording for the player. Through the interview, performer’s awareness on the recorded material were extracted.