“Singing Machine and Thinking Machine »

日時: 2019年12月3日 18時30分
場所: 東京芸術大学 音楽環境創造科 千住キャンパス 1F 第一講義室
〒120-0034 東京都足立区千住1-25-1
Tel: 050-5525-2742
Fax: 03-5284-1576
Email: mce-office@ml.geidai.ac.jp
現在は東京藝術大学千住キャンパスに滞在し、彼の作品《Singing Machine》のチューニングシステムの制作に取り組んでいる。
今回、この機械とともに、作曲家・三輪眞弘との共同作品《Thinking Machine》を実演する。
1979年、友人である音楽家のエバーハルト・ブルームに影響を受け、彼にとって最初のオートマトンである《The Flute Playing Machine》を制作した。
Short text for public open day
Martin Riches is a British sound artist. He is perhaps best known for his automatic musical instruments and for his acoustic speech synthesizers. He is currently enjoying a residency at the Geidai Kita-Senju Campus where he is working on a tuning system for his “Singing Machine”. He will demonstrate this machine and also the “Thinking Machine” which he built in collaboration with the composer Masahiro Miwa.
Short biography
Martin Riches was born in 1942 on the Isle of Wight, UK. Having studied architecture in London he moved to West Berlin in 1969 and soon came under the influence of its thriving art and New Music scene, presenting his first solo exhibition in 1973. Since 1978 he has worked exclusively as an artist, working in the fields of sound art, kinetics, experimental phonetics and on a range of “other projects”.
In 1979 and inspired by his friend, the musician Eberhard Blum, Riches built his first music automaton, “The Flute Playing Machine”. There followed a number of automatic string, woodwind and percussion instruments, speaking and singing machines and kinetic works. His work is characterised by collaborations with composers, musicians and vocalists, including Schaun Tozer, Tom Johnson, Masahiro Miwa, Suguru Goto, Tomomi Adachi and Ute Wasserman.
His work is shown in concerts of New Music together with soloists and ensembles, in installations, in scientific conferences, in the theatre, in science museums and in art exhibitions. Venues include the British Museum in London, the Deutsches Museum in Munich, the universities of Tokyo, Kyoto, Berlin and Amsterdam, the philharmonic halls of Osaka, Essen and Luxembourg – and many other places, both grand and humble.