東京藝術大学 音楽環境創造科


English follows


主催:東京藝術大学音楽環境創造科 毛利嘉孝研究室

14:00-14:10 企画趣旨説明 毛利嘉孝(東京藝術大学准教授)
14:10-14:50 基調講演1 何東洪(台湾輔仁大學心理系副教授兼主任)
14:50-15:00 休憩
15:00-15:40 基調講演2 シン・ヒョンジュン(韓国聖公会大学教授)+リー・キーウン(聖公会大学教授)
15:40-16:20 基調講演3 南田勝也(武蔵大学教授)
16:20-16:30 休憩
16:30-17:00 発表1 高橋聡太(東京藝術大学大学院博士課程)
17:00-17:30 発表2 日高良佑(東京藝術大学大学院博士課程)
17:30-18:00 発表3 スコット・アルガード(シカゴ大学大学院博士課程)
18:00-18:10 休憩
18:10-18:30 総合討論

Towards Transnational Studies of Popular Music in Asia

Since the end of the 1970s, the study of popular music has been developing as a new discipline. However, this discipline has often been segmented according to national boundaries, particularly, in Asia, with the result that it has rarely been approached and understood from a transnational perspective. One characteristic feature of popular music is the ease with which it travels beyond national boundaries. It is thus time to engage in new discussions and collaborations, and to share different perspectives and ideas pertaining to the study of popular music. This symposium aims to establish a basis for the transnational study of popular music, by considering the discipline of popular music studies as it is pursued in different Asian countries.

Date: 21 March 2015, 14:00-19:00
Venue: Lecture Room 1, Senju Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts,
1-25-1 Senju, Adachi-ku, Tokyo
Organized by Department of Music Creativity and the Environment, Tokyo University of the Arts
Language: English
Contact: mouri@ms.geidai.ac.jp

14:00-14:10 Opening Remarks: Dr. Yoshitaka Mori (Tokyo University of the Arts)
14:10-14:50 Keynote Speech 1
 Dr. Tunghung Ho (Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan)
 Tangled up in blue?- various ways of loving Japanese music in Taiwan
14:50-15:00 Break
15:00-15:40 Keynote Speech 2
 Professor Hyunjoon Shin (Sungkonghoe University)
 Dr. Keewoong Lee (Sungkonghoe University)
 Making Local Music through Transcultural Cooperation: The Case of Korean Indie Rock as a Translocal Project
15:40-16:20 Keynote Speech 3
 Professor Katsuaya Minamida (Musashi University)
 Alternative Rock in Japan
16:20-16:30 Break
16:30-17:00 Presentation 1
 Sota Takahashi (Tokyo University of the Arts)
 Trans-Pacific Transit of Popular Music in Post-Occupation Japan
17:00-17:30 Presentation 2
 Ryosuke Hidaka (Tokyo University of the Arts)
 A technological history of Dojin music: as an offline distribution of music files
17:30-18:00 Presentation 3
 Scott W. Aalgaard (University of Chicago)
 Tracing Musical Critique: Looking At/Beyond 3.11
18:00-18:10 Break
18:10-18:30 Closing Discussion
 Yoshitaka Mouri, Tunghung Ho, Hyunjoon Shin and Katsuya Minamida