東京藝術大学 大学院 音楽音響創造



處 美野


ソニフィケーションの研究において、近年、豊富な価値ある応用研究が増加する一方で、体系的に研究領域を見直し、総括されることは少ない。既存の文献では、代表的な 事例や応用分野、テクニック等の紹介がなされ、概観を知ることは可能だが、多数の事例をもとに現状を分析したものは見受けられない。 

現在、ソニフィケーションの実践のための、様々な実用的な方法が記されている文献は 存在しない。本研究では、新たな事例を制作する場合に、広く知識を与え、参考や指標となりうる研究となることを目指した。 

本研究では、計85の事例をもとにメタ分析をおこなった。85の事例をソニフィケーショ ンの使用目的と、その音の生成手法の2つの視点から分類した。その結果、目的8項目、 手法4項目となった。分類結果を対応分析によって分析し、目的と手法の関係や、事例同士の関係について考察した。 

分析結果より、今回扱った事例とその分類に対して、大きく3つの軸に意味付けをおこなった。1つ目は、基づくデータや情報との関係についての軸である。データや情報と変換される音との間の直接的な関係の強さを意味する。2つ目は、もとのデータの型に関する軸である。データが単次元 / 多次元、または連続/不連続であることを意味する。3つ目は、ユーザーが音を聴いた際に、理解しやすいか否か、もしくは学習の必要性についての軸である。 

これらをふまえ、ソニフィケーションの目的と設計手法の現状をまとめ、さらに、これらの得られた軸を総合的に考慮し、ソニフィケーションの分類を提案した。分類したソニフィケーションによって、目的や手法が異なる。ソニフィケーションを使用する目的によって、 伝達される情報量は異なり、それに適した手法も異なるからである。多くの情報を正確にわかりやすく伝える手法のみが優れた手法とは限らない。ソニフィケーションにおいては、伝わるべき情報量によって、最適な手法を選択することが重要である。 

A meta-analysis of sonification research based on the case studies 

Sonification is defined as the use of nonspeech audio to convey information. More specifically, sonification is the transformation of data relations into perceived relations via an acoustic signal for the purposes of facilitating communication or interpretation. 

In recent years, there has been a lot of attention given to this area regarding the sonification research. However, there are few publications that do a systematic review and summarize this field. Although there are several articles that give examples of practical uses of sonification, as well as an introduction to techniques and general outlines, those do not analyze the current conditions based on the case studies. There is no literature that compares the use of various methods for the practice of sonification. The aim of this study is to help new practices of sonification, and to be a summary (or index) that uses a wide variety of sonification examples. 

A meta-analysis based on a total of 85 cases was made. This analysis shows that these cases can be divided into two different pieces: the technique used to create the sound and the intention of use. Those were further divided into four different items for the technique section and eight different items for the purpose section. Also, a Correspondence Analysis of the interaction between those techniques and purposes was made to create a map, and based on this map a discussion was conducted. 

In this paper, the purpose of sonification’ s use and design approach was summarized. In addition, a classification system of sonification is proposed. From this classification system, there was a clear distinction in the purpose and technique used. The amount of information to be conveyed varies with the purpose of using the sonification, and so as the techniques. In sonification, it is important to select the most suitable technique according to the amount of information to be conveyed.


崔 雄






Choi Woong
A study of sound distance impression created by a small sized speaker array 

 With the success of the movie Avatar and the growth of 3D TV, 3D video is receiving a good deal of attention as a new form of entertainment. 3D video still, however, uses 5.1-surround sound, just like 2D video. This puts a limit on the acoustic expression available to accompany the popping-out images that characterize 3D video. To make 3D video more enjoyable a suited audio-reproduction system is necessary. 

 To that end, this research focuses on a speaker-array system wherein sound sources can be arranged freely to produce audio in a manner that is appropriate to 3D video. More specifically, because of the proliferation of 3D TV, this research involves a system using a small-scale speaker array for audio reproduction in a small space, such as a in a home entertainment device. 

 This paper reports on the results of subjective tests using a speaker array built by the author. These tests include both auditory localization of virtual sound sources simulated by the speaker array and the sensation of distance produced by virtual sound sources. 

 In experiment 1, a subjective test of left-right and front-rear auditory localization of virtual sound sources simulated by the speaker array, found that left-right auditory localization improved with decreasing distance from the center of the virtual sound field. Also, the left-right balance of the speakers constituting the speaker array is important for auditory localization. 

 In experiment 2, virtual sound sources simulated by the speaker array were compared to real sound sources in order to assess the sense of distance produced by the virtual sound sources. The experiment showed that the speaker array was capable of reproducing a 40 cm distance change of real sound sources and that the sense of distance produced by the virtual sound sources is affected by the positions and levels of the virtual sound sources. A regression equation was derived by two-element multiple regression, and predicted virtual sound source distances exhibited a high correlation (≧ 0.7) with real sound source distances. A single regression was also performed in an attempt to determine the presence or absence of inter-participant differences in distance awareness with respect to the virtual sound sources, although no such differences were found.


日本ヌーヴェルヴァーグにおける武満徹の映画音楽 (1962-1978)



  1. 用いられている音素材と作曲手法の主要な型(タイプ)と特徴 
  2. 映画の映像と脚本との関連における音楽とサウンドの機能 
  3. 分析する作品の個別性・特性に適した手法を用いた映画音楽分析モデルを構築すること。 

第一章: 1962年頃の武満の音楽的/美的思想と、この頃からの作曲様式の決定に関するいくつかの重要な観点を明らかにした。 

第二章では、 ヌーヴェルヴァーグ運動の始まりと、その映画監督とのコラボレーションによる武満の初期の参加についての研究を行った。 

第三章 : 実際に武満が制作した五つのサウンドトラック「おとし穴」(1962)、「砂の女』(1964)、「他人の顔」 (1966)、「心中天網島」(1969)、「愛の亡霊」 (1978)を分析した。

本稿で分析した五本の映画では、Hi-Fi サウンドスケープが優位であり、過剰な素材が溢れて音楽や音響が明瞭に聴き取れないような状況はごく稀である。また、映画の流れの中で、音響は時間的な間隔をおいて入れられている。さわりの観念とともに広く用いられている間の観念は、この五つの作品に共通する基本原則である。同時に、間の観念は、映像が提示する仮想空間の構築にも大きな関わりを持っている。その意味で、武満は、カナダの作曲家マリー・シェーファーMurray Schafer (1933-) が提唱した音響デザイナーに類似した役割を担い、各シーン進行のロケーションの性格になじむなサウンドスケープ構成に、その音楽・音響の提案によって体系的に対応している。 


Andrés Duarte Loza
Toru Takemitsu’s Film Music for the Japanese New Wave (1962-1978) 

The present research is focused on the study of five of the most outstanding film soundtracks written by the Japanese composer Toru Takemitsu (1930-1996) from 1962 to 1978. All of the soundtracks were composed as collaborations with films directors considered part of the Japanese New Wave movement. In this research it has been determined innovative and radical aspects in Takemitsu’s musical aesthetics during this period, according to the following considerations: 

  1. Point out the most relevant characteristics of the music, sound and composition techniques. 
  2. Study the function of the sound and the music in relation with the film script and cinematography. 
  3. Create new models for the film soundtracks analysis, which tend to be capable to contemplate the specific characteristics of each film. 

Chapter 1 studies some of the most important aspects in Takemitsu’s aesthetic thought from 1962. 

Chapter 2 introduces the beginnings of the Japanese New Wave and the firsts collaborations between Takemitsu and the young New Wave film directors. 

Chapter 3 analyzes five soundtracks: Pitfall (1962), Woman in the Dunes (1964), The Face of Another (1966) Double Suicide (1969) and Empire of Passion (1978) 

Considering the specificity of each soundscape, revealing and categorizing different process involves within the soundtracks. 

Through the analysis it has been found that a main characteristic in the five soundtracks is the presence of what Murray Schafer defined as Hi-Fi soundscapes. Due to this fact, Takemitsu’s way of working as composer for soundtracks had many points in common with Schafer’s definition of acoustic design. 

Specially according to the implementation of “sawari” and “ma” concepts taken from the Japanese traditional music aesthetics. In all of the five studied soundtracks Takemitsu always avoided the cacophony in the treatment of the sound materials. He focused his compositional approach on the design of a particular soundscape for every scene, according to the each location and the specific representation of the story’s mood.


田中 教順


An examination into the psychological impression affected by the snare drum’s timbre.

Two experiments and analyses were performed in order to evaluate sounds of snare drums as a preparative study for quantitative evaluation of drum sets. The experiments were performed with a set of stimuli generated by three snare drums that each had their top drumhead tuned with three different tensions. “Method of Paired Comparison” and “Rating Scale Method” were used in the experiments. “Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)” and “Regression Analysis” were used in the analyses. From the results, connections between the attribute ratings for each snare drum’s sound and the two-dimensional stimulus space based on psychological distance were obtained. Also, from the hypothesis that the sounds of snare drums consist of high- and low-frequency parts separated at 2kHz, each of which mainly contain sounds of snare and drum shell respectively. The “Spectral Centroid” for the two parts were calculated, and the correlation coefficient between the physical measure and the two-dimensional stimulus space was calculated. A series of studies revealed that although the first dimension of MDS was not strongly correlated with any of the physical measures computed by the author, the second dimension was shown to be related to a Spectral Centroid below 2kHz that was affected by the drumhead’s tuning.


田野倉 宏向





Investigations of the Effect of a Height Loudspeaker on Spatial Perception

This thesis reports the result of a series of experiments about a perception of depth and distance of the sound source with and without the height speaker, and a result.

Recently, the surround sound speaker layout, including the speaker of the height directions, such as 7.1ch and 22.2ch, are receiving attention. In connection with the prosperity of a 3D movie, expression of the perception of depth about a sound is required. In order to investigate how the impression of a sound including a feeling of depth, the subjective evaluation experiment was conducted by reproducing the sound which simulated the ceiling reflective sound played back from the speaker of the height direction.

In the first experiment, distinction between the speaker of the height direction and the speaker at the ear level was studied. It attached and performed the marks by the SD method using eight attribute scales (Closeness, Depth, Size, Focus, Powerfulness, Thickness, Naturalness, and Envelopment). To investigate the relevance of an attribute from a result of the experiment, factor analysis was employed. As a result, subjective impressions for “Closeness”, “Depth”, “Size” and “Powerfulness” improved by the addition of speaker of the height direction.

In the second experiment, ANOVA on Scheffe’s paired comparison (Nakaya’s variation) was conducted, and it was analyzed whether the difference would have come out with the speaker of the height direction. Distinction of the speaker with and without the speaker of height direction did not appear to be statistically significant. But it is difficult to judge the distinction in the difference between the speaker at ear level and the height level, because of the relatively large difference in the source distance used in the room acoustic simulation.







Adam Strange
An Investigation into the First Impression of Jazz Music: The Modern Listener’s Subjective Evaluation

Two pyschoacoustical experiments utilizing psychometric models were carried out to investigate how familiar and unfamiliar songs differ subjectively. The goal of the research is to ultimately find trends that can be used to successfully market music to listeners who are unfamiliar with it.

In the first experiment, a straight-forward implementation of the repertory grid technique was used to evaluate songs provided by both the participants and the experimenter. A total of 4 subjects from the undergraduate division of the Tokyo University of Arts participated. Principal component analysis was used to analyze the elicited repertory grids. Highly satisfactory levels of variance were explained for all participants, suggesting the existence of underlying structures. However, due to the vagueness of the experiments design, i.e. to evaluate the experimental method in use itself, no specific conclusions can be drawn regarding the subjects’ perceptions of the familiar versus unfamiliar stimuli, although a trend is seen where the subject’s chosen song is isolated from the other songs. Using the experience gained from this experiment, further research was developed and carried out in a new experiment.

The second experiment utilized a method similar to the semantic differential method without any training phase or specific definitions of the attributes used in the scales. The attribute scales were a collection of 8 scales from the first experiment and 4 new scales relating to preference and familiarity added by the experimenter. 6 students from the undergraduate and graduate schools of Tokyo University of the Arts participated in the experiment. The songs were once again gathered from both the participants and the experimenter. The participants’ data were analyzed separately with principal component analysis, and then the data were combined via generalized procrustes analysis and once again analyzed using principal component analysis. The analysis shows that genre familiarity and preference belong to a factor separate from the other attributes.

It is concluded that if a song is to be effectively popularized, the most effective solution is to increase the familiarity with its genre. Altering the descriptive attributes of a song will be ineffective. These results reinforce the idea that music can be popularized by superficial means rather than by structural revision.


飯田 能理子




IIDA Noriko
Music in multimedia work : Especially with the Experimental Workshop and the Sogetsu Art Center

This paper treats of the music in the multimedia work with a focus on the activity of the Experimental Workshop (1951-1957) and the Sogetsu Art Center (1959-1971),the group of Artists from various genres in Postwar Japan ,that aimed a comprehensive fusion of various genres of art from an early stage in the world.

In previous studies, the activity in the Experimental workshop and the Sogetsu Art Center has been captured in a quotation of avant-garde music, and reasoned as if that has been the outcome of World Expo held in 1970, Japan and disconnected from the modern. But The purpose of this paper is that, the significance of music in multimedia work produced by the Experimental Workshop and the Sogetsu Art Center is intended to review the terms of the creation of universal perspective rather than avant-garde one.


葛城 梢




Music and Sound Design in the works of Jean-Luc Godard
—An examination of “Sonimage”—

This paper is about a French film director, Jean-Luc Godard, and attempts to show how he utilised music and sound in his works. I have focused my research on analyzing the relationship between image and sound, concentrating on the concept of “Sonimage”.

Godard established a production company called “Sonimage” in 1973, and is the word coined by Godard, to mean “Son” (sound) and “Image”(image), or “cinema”. Godard uses montage techniques of images and sounds as Sonimage, not to represent the world as we see and hear, but to reconstruct it. We can see trends like this montage of images and sounds especially in works from 1980s. However, it is my opinion that Godard has had been working with the concept since the beginning of his career.

I have analyzed various works from the 1960s and the 1980s to examine whether there are any differences or similarities between them. I think that Godard has constructed his images and sounds, consciously thinking about who will listen to such and such a sound and what does the viewer listen to. Through such techniques as ‘cocktail-party effects’, Godard has turned layers of sounds in cinema (e.g. ‘in-sounds’, ‘off-sounds, ‘sounds out frame’) into consistently interesting expressions. He also makes constructs new meanings by connecting images and sounds that have no causal relationship. In short, his works are composed like musical structures.


佐藤 えり沙








SATO Elisa
The Effect of Reverberation on Music Performance

The structure of playing musical instruments consists of three basic steps: performing on the instrument to make musical sounds, recognizing spatial information and music in the space through listening to the sounds themselves, and finally returning the information to the performance to adapt their musical experience and consciousness. These steps go on as a loop during the performance of musical instruments, and it is widely known that reverberation effects recognition of the space, i.e. the second step.

The large number of studies of preference for reverberation on hall acoustics is completed before variable acoustic systems were invented. However, very few of those have investigated the relationship between parameters of reverberation and musical expression or performance technique. Thus, as long as the reverberation in a room is strongly connected with the impression of music, physical phenomena on musical performance in different acoustic environments should be discussed as well as any psychological phenomena.

In this paper, three experiments are conducted to investigate the effects within the relationship between multiple parameters of reverberation and the features of solo violin performance. The results of ANOVA in two experiments indicate that irrespective of reverberation time (RT) alterations, musicians maintain an even overall sound pressure, irrespectively of patterns of early reflections and differences in RT.

With only RT altered, the durations of some notes and rests change depending on the reverberation time at both the point of the instrument itself and subjects’ overhead. However, it is not a simple proportion, and characteristics of the phrase itself influence whether the alteration occurs or not. On the other hand, the change in duration is observed only at the point of the instrument when the patterns of early reflections via impulse responses are altered with RT. As a conclusion, it is suggested that this phenomena occurs due to the differences in the value of C80, which represents the clarity of the reverberation.

As halls and rooms with variable acoustic systems are propagated and developed, it is increasingly important to investigate how the reverberation effects musical expression and human perception in detail. Since variation of musical instruments and musical pieces, were not included in this study, further investigation is required.


土倉 律子






Musicians’ spatial impressions of Practice Rooms
– A study of “easyness of practice” –

The aim of this research was to investigate the acoustics of music practice rooms in order to improve the musicians’ practice environment.

This study concerns the player’s “easiness of practice” and focuses on the results of an investigation relating the physical qualities and their influence on the impression of the practice room acoustics.

In the first experiment, the musicians’ impressions of the practice room acoustics were examinated by a Semantic Differential test using a total of 12 sound stimuli and 20 pairs of terms. The responses were analyzed using factor analisys, and eight pairs of terms were selected to be used in the next test.

In the second experiment, a subjective evaluation test using a dry source convolved with impulse-responses collected in eight practice rooms in the Ueno Campus of Tokyo University of the Arts was conducted. Differences in the terms “easiness of practice” and “easiness of performance” from the factor analisys results were observed.

In the third experiment, based in a room with positive responses from the second test, five paterns of impulse-responses with different frequency dependent reverberation times were created. A real-time convolution reverberator was used during the performance test. Using analisys of variance, it was observed that that the easiness of “technical practice” depends on the individual’s preference. Also, concerning the “easiness of performance”, it was observed that brass players had similar responses.