東京藝術大学 大学院 音楽音響創造



佐藤 亜矢子

 作曲家リュック・フェラーリ Luc Ferrari (1929-2005) は、ピエール・シェフェール Pierre Schaeffer (1910-1995) によって創始されたミュジック・コンクレート musique concreteを出発点とし、独自の視点から電子音響音楽を開拓していった。1964 年に発表した作品《異型接合体 Hétérozygote》では、それまでシェフェールらが行ってきたようなスタイルを覆す表現を試みた。つまり、具体音素材の音響的特性に依存することで音楽の内容から具体性を限りなくはぎ取ろうとした彼等に対し、フェラーリは現実音の持つ過剰な程の意味性を隠す事なく露呈させ、架空の逸話を音楽に語らせたのである。彼はこれを「逸話的音楽 musique anecdotique」と命名する。主流派から理解を得られなかった結果、GRM から離脱し、当時彼の周囲で行われていた音楽からより一層逸脱した作品を手掛けるようになる。
 逸話的音楽の特色が極端な形で現れた《ほとんど何もない第一番、あるいは海岸の夜明け Presque rien no.1 ou Le lever du jour au bord de la mer》 (1967-70) は、漁村の環境音が 20分余ただ在るに過ぎず、一般的に言う音楽的事象を見出すことが困難な電子音響音楽作品である。旧ユーゴスラビアのコルチュラ島にあるヴェラ・ルカという町で、作曲家自らがポータブルレコーダーを操作し、マイクロフォンを向けて収録した様々な環境音を素材として作曲されており、我々はそれを海岸の夜明けのルポルタージュかの如く受け止めることが出来る。しかし、これは確固たる創作物であり、リュック・フェラーリという作曲家が作曲した音楽作品であり、ほとんど何もないどころか多くの作業の結果なのである。
 彼は一体どのように何を「作曲」し、どう「逸脱」したか。それを考察するべく、まずはシェフェールの「音響オブジェ objet sonor」、そこから派生したフェラーリの「発見されたオブジェ objet trouvé」について確認し、逸話的音楽と自伝の関係性についても言及する。 更に作品の背景や創作の経緯を慎重に追った後で、彼の残した手書きの作品スケッチに向かい、楽曲分析を行う。そうして見えてきたのが、逸脱の奥にある思慮深さであった。この作品において、彼は闇雲にイデオロギーから逃亡しようとしたのではなく、甚だ綿密に作曲家としての仕事をした。《ほとんど何もない第一番》はフェラーリの逸脱の一つの側面であり、ここで逸脱の全貌を明らかにできるわけではない。しかし、逸話的音楽の極点に君臨するこの側面を探求することで、1960 年代において彼が電子音響音楽で試みた異端者としての活動を理解する大きな助けとなるのである。

SATO Ayako
The Deviant Electroacoustic Music of Luc Ferrari : Focusing on “Presque Rien No.1”

 The French composer Luc Ferrari explored electroacoustic music from a unique point of view by using musique concrète as a starting point. In his piece “Hétérozygote” (1964), he used sound representation, which broke away from traditional musique concrète. In this piece, Ferrari made music narrate fictitious anecdotes without disguising the sources of sounds, going against those who tried to divest the sounds of their meanings or sources. Ferrari named it musique anecdotique.

His “Presque rien no. I ou Le lever du jour au bord de la mer” (1967-70) expresses strongly the features of musique anecdotique. It is difficult to find musical phenomenon in it. There are merely the environmental sounds of a fishing village for about 20 minutes. It consists of sounds the composer recorded using a portable recorder and microphone in Vera Luka, Korcula, Yugoslavia, now Croatia. Since it is heard as recorded sound which has not been processed, we receive it like a documentary of the dawn of the seashore. But, this is a musical composition.

What were Ferrari’s composition method and concept in “Presque rien no. 1′? For background, I compared Schaeffer’s objet sonore idea with Ferrari’s objet trouvé. Reference is also made to the relationship of his musique anecdotique and his autobiography. I then made a music analysis based on his handwritten notes. Thus, the thoughtfulness of his method was found. In this work, he did not just escape from ideology, but worked intently as a composer.

This is one side of Ferrari’s “deviant activities, and cannot necessarily clarify the whole of what he called “his deviation” from the mainstream. However, it helps to understand his heretic activity in his electroacoustic music in the 1960s, that extreme musique anecdotique.


市地 優




A consideration about the setting of microphones for musical recording at “Studio A” , in the Senju campus, Tokyo University of Arts

The aim of this research was to investigate the setting of microphones for classical piano solo music, in a large recording booth called “Studio A” opened in September 2006, as a part of important research facilities in the Senju campus, Tokyo University of Arts. Its spacial acoustics were made very seriously and complicated, as comfortable for musicians as a classical music hall, so recording engineers should be careful to set microphones to catch the best sound for each music.

This researh points to the relation between a short distance movement of microphones in recording sessions and listeners’ subjective impression, especially in a case of piano solo music recording.
Research1: Comparison 12 samples of piano sounds made artificial with IR each 12 recording points using PinkTSP. These impressions suggested clearly that using a forward-directed loudspeaker is far from a reality as “musical” recording sounds of piano, and it is necessary to use a Disklavier (a recording and playback system with MIDI for acoustic piano) for next Research2, to get the reality.

Reseach2: Comparison 6 samples of real piano sounds performed by Disklavier recorded each 6 points set in the area chosen in recording sessions generally. As preparation of the experience, a recording session was set performed by a real pianist with Disklavier to make playback data for recording to collect samples. This was better way to get the samples with reality of musical instrumental acoustics of piano. Through the subjective evaluation test by ABX method, the relevant of differences of impression and distance of recording points among the stimuli was not shown clearly, but a specific point got significant difference against others. These suggested importance to choose recording points carefully at StudioA, especially if an engineer would like to make full use of the spacial acoustic there.



濱崎 大吾






De-institutionalization of Sound, Art, and Technology: A Case Study of Takehisa Kosugi and Yasunao Tone

Contemporary art today is interdisciplinary beyond traditional categories such as the arts, visual arts, music and technology. In relation to this field, Takehisa Kosugi (1938-) and Yasunao Tone (1935-) are the two important precursors. This paper discusses Kosugi and Tone concurrently for the reason that they have shared several experiences as artists since the 1960s. The meaning of “de-institutionalization” in this paper is Kosugi and Tone’s artistic direction in pursuit of deviating from existing institutions and invalidating those institutions. Their “de-institutionalization” offers alternatives to today’s artistic representations through sound, art, and technology.

Kosugi and Tone’s approach of “de-institutionalization” appeared in their early artistic careers, beginning with musical improvisation at “Group-ongaku” in the early 1960s; a form of improvisation drawn from their interests in ethnic music and surrealism. They also participated in two major avant-garde movements of the 1960s’ Japan: the So-getsu art center movement and the “anti-art” movement. In the late 1960s, Kosugi and Tone introduced intermedia art to Japan. Intermedia art was originally initiated by a Fluxus artist and composer Dick Higgins. Succedent Japanese intermedia artists, however, cooperated with the industry and the government. A key example of this is the 1970 Osaka Expo where they promoted technology through large-scale artworks. These artworks were criticized by Tone as “display artworks.” This situation split the Japanese avantgarde art movement into two; either for or against the Osaka Expo. These movement both declined in the early 1970s. Through this situation, “de-institutionalization of the arts,” which Kosugi and Tone aimed to achieve during the 1960s, was defeated by the power of another institution; that of technology. In the midst of this decline of Japanese avantgarde art, Kosugi and Tone immigrated to New York in the United States.

After arriving in New York, the “de-institutionalization” approach of Kosugi and Tone was influenced by the Fluxus movement and John Cage. Since the 1980s, despite the fact that Kosugi and Tone showed different attitudes to the latest digital technology, which can be described as “Tone with digital tech, Kosugi with analog tech,” they have a shared direction, that is; the “de-institutionalization of technology.”

In addition to this historical analysis, this paper also discusses two genres of contemporary art: sound art and media art. According to Engström et al. (2009), sound art is roughly divided into “Klangkunst” in a German context and “Sound Art” in an Anglo American context; the activities of Kosugi and Tone are closer to the latter due to their focus on “de-institutionalization.” Media art in Japan today is actually an artificial genre encouraged by legislation. The main role of Japanese media artists in this context is to be a positive presenter of technology and science. Expressing anything critical or controversial should be avoided. This restrictive situation seems to resemble the “display artworks” incident at the 1970 Osaka Expo. Considering these situations, the “deinstitutionalization of technology” as aspired towards by Kosugi and Tone is not merely a historical fact but also a productive alternative pathway and approach for representations in sound, art, and technology today.


津本 幸司








The timbres of the electric guitar are produced by the equipment called an amplifier. The signals are often purposely distorted to derive a certain tone that is used for various popular music including Jazz and Rock. Although, there are numbers of studies about the Classical and the Acoustic Guitar timbres, the study about the Electric Guitar timbres, especially the “Distorted” timbre seemed to be rare. The ultimate goal of this study is to find how the distorted timbres affect perceptual impressions and to reveal the relationship between the perceptual impression and the acoustic features.

Three experiments were conducted to overcome the goal above. In the first experiment, guitar players evaluated the distorted timbres with eight anchoring adjectives while they were playing. “Brightness Factor” and “Activeness Factors were found as the latent factors. High correlations between those latent factors and the acoustic features such as “attack time” and “spectral centroid” were observed. In the second experiment, three things were investigated. First of all, the difference in perceptual impression for the distorted timbres between naive listeners and guitar players was examined. Then, how the frequency characteristics affect the perceptual impression for the distorted timbres were examined. Finally, the possibility of extracting distorted timbres from the mixed CD sound sources was examined. As the results, naive listener and guitar players had a similar perceptual impression for the distorted timbres. The frequency characteristic did not affect the perceptual impression of the distortion timbre. The possibility of extraction was not confirmed with our procedure. In the third experiment, guitar players recorded musical scales with several different distortion timbres to reveal whether the amount of distortion affects the playing or not. The significant difference in the timing and the amplitude along with the amount of distortion were not found.

As a conclusion, naive listeners and guitar players had the similar perceptual impression for the distorted timbre. And the meaning of the adjectives they use to express distorted timbre were understood. Also, it was found that the possibility of the amount of distortion affect to guitar players’ performance was low.


志野 文音






Change in Timbre of Classical Guitar Depending on the Strings and Plucking Positions

Two experiments and analyses were performed in order to evaluate the change in timbre of classical guitar relating to sounding the same note via different strings and also varying plucking positions. These experiments were performed with a set of stimuli generated by three strings with five different plucking positions used on each.

Paired comparisons and rating scales were used to evaluate the stimuli. Individual Differences Scaling (INDSCAL) and the correlation coefficient between the scaling and the two-dimensional psychological space generated from the evaluation of similarity were used in the analyses. From the results of the analysis, connections between the attribute ratings for each timbre of classical guitar and the two-dimensional stimulus space based on psychological distance were obtained. Also, the correlation coefficients between physical measurements of the stimuli and the two-dimensional stimulus space were calculated.

The first dimension of INDSCAL was shown to be related to the Spectral Centroid and the second dimension was shown to be related to the decay time of the sound under a high-pass filter at 1000Hz. From the results of the rating scale evaluation, a two-dimensional space was generated with the first dimension shown to be related to warmth and the second dimension shown to be related to clarity. Attribute ratings for each timbre were shown to fall into two groups, Metallic and Power & Aesthetic, in terms of similarity.

Thus, since the changes in timbre depending on the string chosen for a given pitch and the plucking position used have been identified, it is possible to use this information in connection with playing the classical guitar. Classical guitar players can use this information to assist in the selection of the string and the plucking position when they need to achieve a specific timbre or change the timber while at the same pitch.


齋藤 峻

本研究では、箏の録音位置を検討することを目的に、3 つのアプローチから研究を行った。

第 1 に、評価者から得られた箏の音色に関する形容詞が、どのように使用されているかを調 査した。第 2 に、録音位置がそれぞれの評価語でどのように評価されているのかを調査した。 第 3 に、どのような音響的な特徴が、評価に影響を与える要因になっているのかを調査した。

まず、箏の中心から 1m の距離で、水平方向と垂直方向の角度を変えた 54 ケ所の録音位置 で収音した箏の音を実験刺激として使用した。まず、 13 組の共通評価語と、それ以外にそれ ぞれの評価者から独自に出された評価語を用いて一般化プロクラステス分析を行った結果、グ ループごとに次のような因子が得られた。音響グループと邦楽グループ(箏奏者・その他)の それぞれの因子負荷量表を比較した結果、各グループの因子を、音響グループで“繊細さ”因子・ “躍動感”因子“明るさ”因子、邦楽グループ箏奏者で“繊細さ”因子“明瞭さ”因子・“清澄さ”因子、 そして、その他の邦楽グループでは“豊かさ”因子・“顕著さ”因子・“清澄さ”因子・“明るさ”因子 であるとそれぞれ解釈した。

次に、音響グループと邦楽グループの 2 グループに分け、評価者と録音位置の 2 要因による 分散分析を行った結果、すべての評価語において評価者間に有意差を見出すことはできなかった。 したがって、評価者間では評価語の意味の理解がある程度共通している、ということが分かった。 しかし、評価語「澄んだ – 濁った」「美しい – 汚い」「迫力のある – もの足りない」の評価に おいて、これらの評価語では録音位置によって評価者間に評価の違いに有意差があった。録音位 置が変わったことから生じた物理量よって、これらの評価語の評価に違いがあったのではないか と考えられる。また、因子別の偏差値を算出した。それぞれの録音位置でどのような傾向がある のを調べた結果、音響グループと邦楽グループ(箏奏者・その他)には違いがあることがわかっ た。また、従来の録音位置とそれぞれ因子の偏差値の対応を確認した結果、演奏者側の録音位置 に偏差値の高い録音位置が含まれている傾向があることがわかった。

最後に、どのような音響特徴量が評価者の評価に影響を与える要因になっているのかを調査 した。各評価者と音響特徴量の相関係数を求め、さらに重回帰分析を行った。その結果、「澄ん だ」「濁った」では音響グループが周波数特性について評価しているのに対し、邦楽グループは 音の立ち上がり時間について評価している傾向があった。また「迫力のある」ではそれらの評 価傾向が、逆になることがわかった。


The objective of this study was to examine the appropriate recording position of the Japanese harp, the Koto. To do so, three different approaches are used.

The sound of the Koto used as experiment stimuli was recorded using 54 different positions with variations in both horizontal direction and vertical direction angle, and distance of 1 m was separated.

Firstly, adjectives regarding the tone of the Koto were sourced from each subject and examined. To determine suitable factors within 13 pairs of common assessment words, the evaluation tendencies of each evaluator group were used to determine if the newly created adjectives were suitable. The factor-loading table results were used to compare each grouping, which consisted of the acoustic group, and the Japanese music group (both Koto players and others). For the acoustic group the results indicated the words “delicacy”, “uplifting” and “brightness” as suitable factors, whilst the results from the Koto players within the Japanese music group suggested the words “delicacy”, “clarity” and “fining”. Similarly the results of the “other” group within the Japanese music group also resulted in “fining” and “brightness” as well as “richness” and “prominence”.

Secondly, the capacity of subjects to evaluate the recording position using each of the evaluating words, was investigated. These groups were then simplified into two groups, the acoustic group and the Japanese music group. They were then subjected to an analysis of variance using two factors, namely the recording position and the evaluator. As evident in the results, it was not possible to find a significant difference between evaluators in all evaluation words. However, it should be noted that in the assessment of each of the evaluation words “clear – cloudy”, “beautiful – dirty”, “a powerful – unsatisfactory”, it was possible to see a significant difference in interaction among the recording positions and among evaluators. The physical quantity that occurred because a recording position changed, it is thought that it might be different in an evaluation and evaluations word. The deviation value is calculated from each of the factors. From the tendency of each group in the recording position, it found that the acoustic group and the Japanese music group (Koto player and others) there is a difference. From recording the position of the high deviation value, it found that there is a tendency that is similar to the recording position of the conventional case. Thirdly, factors of acoustic features that affect the evaluation of the subjects was investigated. The correlation coefficient obtained from the score with the acoustic feature quantity of each subject. In addition, MRA (multiple regression analysis) was performed. As a result, In each of the evaluation words “clear – cloudy”, “beautiful – dirty”, it found that the acoustic group evaluate them with frequency properties, and the Japanese music group (Koto player and others) evaluate them with attack time of sound. In “a powerful – unsatisfactory’, the tendency to evaluation was reversed.


櫻井 美希
松本俊夫の映画における音楽――1960 年代の作品を中心に―

松本俊夫(1932~)は新理研映画入社後に手がけた《銀輪》(1956 年公開)を初作として、2012 年の《万象無常》まで約 80 作品を手がけた映画監督、映像作家である。長い作家としてのキャリアにおいてその作風も非常に多岐に渡っており、記録映画や企業 PR 映画、長編の劇映 画、ビデオアートにとどまらず、インスタレーションや舞台表現など、活動の幅は非常に広い。松本が、映像そのものに対してはもちろんのこと、音に対してもまた意識的な作家であったこと は、武満徹や湯浅譲二、一柳慧など日本の現代音楽を代表する作曲家たちと積極的にコラボレーションしてきた姿勢からうかがうことができるだろう。また、1963 年に刊行された初めての著作『映像の発見――アヴァンギャルドとドキュメンタリー』にて「『音』が映像表現の補助手段でしかなかった時代は、すでに終わっている」という発言を残している。また「映像のもたらす感動が『イメージの深さ』の度合いによってきまる」という発言を踏まえた上で、「『イメージの深さ」の問題について語るとき、どうしてもはずすことのできないものに『音』の問題がある」とあり、60 年代の松本の試みを進める上で、音もまたはずすことのできない要素であったことが読み取れる。本論では松本が「映像固有の表現方法」を突き詰めていた 1960 年代とい う時代を取り上げる。そして「映像固有の表現方法」に対して映画音楽はどのように構築され、それらはどのように機能したのか、作品分析を通して探っていきたい。

具体的な方法は、以下の通りである。まず第1章で松本俊夫についての概略を述べる。第2章では松本の 1960年代における思想や態度、そして多くのコラボレーションを行うことになる湯浅譲二について述べる。第3章では松本の映画における実験に対して音楽がどのように構築され機能しているのかを作品分析を通して明らかにする。第4章では 1960 年代以降に松本の思想 がどのように転換し、音楽はどのように追随したのかを述べ、1960 年代という時代の映画や音 楽に1つの特徴があることを指摘する。最後に、松本の 1960 年代の思想や作品を総括し、常に時代に挑戦する映像作家であったということを結論づける。

Music in the Film Created by Toshio Matsumoto : With a Focus on 1960s

Toshio Matsumoto(born in 1932) is a film director. He has created about 80 films, from “Ginrin” in1956 to “Banshomujo” in 2012. In his long career as a film director, he had various style. For example, documentary film, promotion film for company, feature film, video art, installation, and performing art. We understand that he also had a concern about the sound as well as a film, because he has collaborated aggressively with the representative of modern music in japan, for example Toru Takemitsu, Joji Yuasa, Toshi Ichiyanagi. He said “The era which the sound is only a assistance to film has been end”, “the emotion depends on the depth of image” , “when we discuss the issue of depth of image, the issue of the sound is not left out.” We understand from these sentence that the sound was also indispensable in his experiment at the 1960s. In this thesis, I take up the 1960s when Matsumoto has investigated into intrinsic expression in film. And I study the function of the music in the film thorough the analysis of his films.

Specific way is as follows. First, I state about Toshio Matsumoto at chapter1. At chapter2, I state his idea and posture in the 1960s and survey of Joji Yuasa. At chapter 3, I declare the function of music in the films thorough analysis of the films. At chapter 4, I state why his idea has changed and haw soundtrack has followed after the 1960s . At last chapter, I summarize his idea and films in the 1960s, I state a conclusion that he is a film director who kept defying the times.


直江 香世子





NAOE Kayoko
TAKEMITSU Toru’s Music Concrete: Focusing on the 1950s

The present research mainly focuses on the study for the independent music works of “Music Concrete (Musique Concrète)” composed by the Japanese composer TAKEMITSU Toru (1930-1996). Although his independent music works of Music Concrete were intensively composed during the 1950s, the number of his music works was gradually declining after the period. However, in the course of time, his approach of Music Concrete was fully introduced in the field of film music from the 1960s. Therefore, the study mainly aims to deeply discuss his attempt for music expression and music-composing method at the dawn of Music Concrete through the trend survey and the music work analysis as only focusing on the independent music works of Music Concrete during the 1950s.

In Chapter 1, firstly I clarified his ideal of Music Concrete on the basis of his own essays written in those days after reviewing a movement at the dawn of Music Concrete in Japan and a philosophy of Pierre Schaeffer (1910-1995) who is a founder of Music Concrete. Furthermore, I also examined his influence or impact on the music works of Music Concrete by comprehensive ideal of music as he described it in his books and interviews through tracing his living environment and other music activities, and then used it as a clue for conducting an analysis of his music works. In Chapter 2, I clearly defined an uniqueness of his Music Concrete in those days while comparing the individual first music work of MAYUZUMI Toshiro (1929-1997), SHIBATA Minao (1916-1996), and TAKEMITSU as the major masterpiece at the dawn of Music Concrete. Lastly, in Chapter 3, I discussed the transition of his composing method by conducting the analysis of his other music works. As a result, I reached to the following conclusion.

The background why he conceived the idea of “Bringing a noise into tempered music sound” at the age of 18 in 1948 would be apprehensions toward Western music at the time with a change of purpose as “Pursuit of physical function” unnoticeably after the long history, then could be a careful consideration for his own music directionality as he just began composing music pieces at that point in time. Under such circumstance, he could re-acknowledge a meaning and directionality of life as a composer by fortunately having an opportunity to meet three masters; the Composer KIYOSE Yasuji & HAYASAKA Fumio, and the Poet TAKIGUCHI Shuzo. In addition, around the same time, all sorts of favorable opportunities took place simultaneously while he could create various music works through trial and error on the Japanese art front line with artists of the same generation who held the same apprehensions, and MAYUZUMI has introduced Music Concrete to Japan in 1953.

Because of the sequence of those events, he could eventually open or pioneer the unique viewpoint of Music Concrete.

Yet, we should not forget there was an unswerving value for his own music on the foundation. In his first music work “Static Relief”, he intentionally avoided a traditional method which tended not to differently treat a real sound with a role of instrumental sound in Western music. Then, he has successfully developed a song by varyingly changing “Tone itself for each real sound” in a consistent music space without a traditional music form and rhythmic element.

His attempt still continued later without cease, and he certainly discovered an unique mode of expression in Music Concrete as repeatedly experiencing trial and error. He was a composer who constantly considered “Inner inspiration” or even vehement one in respect to a new sound, conception, and method as a starting point of composing activity, but he did not remain or stop right there as they were then he was placing the most importance on a particular stance to continuously conduct “Enthusiastic negotiationuntil he could truly absorb them himself.


白山 智丈
―1920 年代前衛作曲家の試み

20 世紀初頭、近代工業都市のエネルギーや人工的な照明、自動車の動きを描こうとしたイタリア未来派、ルイージ・ルッソロの音楽理論は、次の世代で乗り物、機械、工場などの模倣や描写によって、騒音をオーケストレーションする新しい音楽表現として実現した。

この論文では 1920 年代に作曲されたこれらの作品のうち、ジョージ・アンタイル《バレエ・メカニック》、アレクサンダー・モソローフ《鉄工場》の2作品を取上げ、作曲の背景を考察した上で分析する。

研究の結果、ロマン派の音楽表現が新たな方向性を見いだせなくなっていた時代背景が明らかになった。また《鉄工場》では小さいモチーフをオーケストラ全体に構成主義的に配置することにより、《バレエ・メカニック》では打楽器、16 台の自動演奏ピアノ、電気ベル、サイレン、飛行機のプロペラといった特殊な編成への試みにより、それぞれ、模倣と騒音の楽器法を実現していることが明らかになった。 2 作品を含む同時代の「模倣と騒音」の音楽は、1920 年代における一種の流行となり、その後の音楽表現に少なからず影響を与えたが、とりわけこの2作品はその背景において、また楽器法において、きわめて特徴的な作品であったと結論づけられる。

Imitation of Noise-Environments through Instrumentation: Avant-Garde Composers’ Experiments in the 1920’s

In the beginning of the twentieth century, the theory of Futurist Luigi Russolo who attempted to draw the energy of modern industrial cities, lights, and movement of automobiles, realized a new music expression in the next generation as orchestrating noise by imitating or depicting vehicles, machines, or factories.

This paper examines the background of George Antheil’s ((Ballet mécanique)) and Alexander Mosolove’s ((The Foundry), among these imitative works composed in the 1920’s, and analyses the
two works.

This study also reviews the historical context where the expression of romantic music could no longer find a new way. It analyses that (The Foundry)) realizes “instrumentation for imitation (of factory noise)” by way of constructivism in which small motifs are set in a whole orchestra. On the other hand, (Ballet mécanique)) realizes “instrumentation for noise-environment” by attempting to use unique instruments, including 16 player pianos (automatic pianos), electric bells, siren, airplane
propellers, and other percussion.

This study reveals that these two works have the characteristic backgrounds that relate to both Western music context and Futurism
in modernism. It also points out that “imitation of noise-environments through instrumentation” that prevailed in the 1920’s has also affected
contemporary music since.


鈴木 勝貴

音のデザイン手法として、爆発などのシーンに於いて爆発音の直前に無音が挿入される 音の演出がある。短い無音の挿入によって、その後に提示される音がより印象的になると 言われている。その無音の影響について、どのような要素があるのかを明らかにすること で、無音を使用した音のデザインに対する指標となるのでは無いかと考えた。そこで、本 論文では、無音時間の長さを変化させる事によって音靈感に与える影響がどう変化するか を検証した。 |

無音時間の長さが音量感に与える影響を調べるため2つの実験を行なった。実験1では PEST 法を用いて、50ms ~ 300ms の無音時間によって音量感がどのように変化するかを 調べた。刺激に用いたオクターブバンドノイズの中心周波数によらず、100ms以下の無 音時間について、音量感は小さく評価された。

実験2では、100ms 刻みで 200ms ~ 1000ms の無音時間を設定し、無音を挟んだ音 刺激の音圧レベル差を1dB刻みで 2dB ~ 2dB とした。実験はスライダーで音量感を回 答する方法を用い、被験者は無音後の音の音量感を評価した。その結果、刺激の中心周波 数毎に、無音時間と音圧レベルによる音量感の違いが知覚される組み合わせが分かった。 しかし、音量感の違いが知覚された無音時間と音圧レベルの組み合わせに傾向は見られな かった。

SUZUKI Katsutaka
The Influence of Intervals of Silence on the Perception of Loudness

As a design technique for sound, sound engineers often insert silence before the sound of an explosion in a given audio-track. By inserting this short silence before a sound, it is said that the sound after the silence becomes much more impressive. In this paper, the influence of varying lengths of ‘silent periods on perceived loudness was investigated. Furthermore, through identifying the main factors in changing perceived loudness, this paper suggests that it is possible to create an index of ‘silent time’ and its affects on sound in order to aid in sound-design.

Two experiments were performed in order to examine the relationship between the length of the silent period and the loudness of the sound that followed. In the first experiment, it was examined how to change the loudness by altering the duration of silence from 50ms to 300ms using the PEST method. Regardless of the center frequency of the octave band noise used for stimulation, loudness was evaluated lower following a silence of 100ms.

In the second experiment, the length of the silent time was set from 200ms to 1000ms in increments of 100ms, while simultaneously the sound pressure level of the sound after the silence was set from 2dB to -2dB in increments of 1dB. The experiment was conducted by using a slider to measure the loudness level. Subjects evaluated the loudness of the sound after the silence by using this slider. As a result of each center frequency of the stimulation, differences in loudness level in a combination with relation to silence and sound pressure levels were found. However, the relationship between silent time and the sound pressure level did not seem to tend to influence perceived loudness.